While novels note that the art of using Ryoto (two swords) was developed by Miyamoto Musashi, it was part of the Katori Shinto Ryu curriculum some 150 to 200 years prior to his birth. The forms and those that follow are our traditions most secret teachings. These are unarmored forms of swordsmanship that characteristically involve shorter positioning and distancing. Gogyo Kenjutsu and Gokui Shichijo no tachi – Secret sword teachings In addition to these techniques our tradition also still practices the Gokui hichijo no naginata. The naginata must be held mid-shaft in order to effectively deliver cuts with its blade and strikes with its butt. Katori Shinto ryu uses an o-naginata (long glaive) of the same length used by warrior-monks such as Benkei.
Naginata were used widely by foot soldiers during the Kamakura era until the rise of the spear in the Nanbokucho era. Omote no naginata: the basic techniques (4 kata) Naginatajutsu is part of kenjutsu training